Interface IStringConverter<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseConverter, BigDecimalConverter, BooleanConverter, ByteOrderConverter, CharArrayConverter, CharsetConverter, DefaultListConverter, DoubleConverter, EnumConverter, FileConverter, FloatConverter, InetAddressConverter, IntegerConverter, ISO8601DateConverter, LongConverter, NoConverter, PathConverter, StringConverter, URIConverter, URLConverter

public interface IStringConverter<T>
An interface that converts strings to any arbitrary type. If your class implements a constructor that takes a String, this constructor will be used to instantiate your converter and the parameter will receive the name of the option that's being parsed, which can be useful to issue a more useful error message if the conversion fails. You can also extend BaseConverter to make your life easier.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    convert(String value)
  • Method Details

    • convert

      T convert(String value)
      an object of type T created from the parameter value.