Class JCommander


public class JCommander extends Object
The main class for JCommander. It's responsible for parsing the object that contains all the annotated fields, parse the command line and assign the fields with the correct values and a few other helper methods, such as usage(). The object(s) you pass in the constructor are expected to have one or more \@Parameter annotations on them. You can pass either a single object, an array of objects or an instance of Iterable. In the case of an array or Iterable, JCommander will collect the \@Parameter annotations from all the objects passed in parameter.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JCommander

      public JCommander()
      Creates a new un-configured JCommander object.
    • JCommander

      public JCommander(Object object)
      object - The arg object expected to contain Parameter annotations.
    • JCommander

      public JCommander(Object object, ResourceBundle bundle)
      object - The arg object expected to contain Parameter annotations.
      bundle - The bundle to use for the descriptions. Can be null.
    • JCommander

      public JCommander(Object object, ResourceBundle bundle, String... args)
      object - The arg object expected to contain Parameter annotations.
      bundle - The bundle to use for the descriptions. Can be null.
      args - The arguments to parse (optional).
    • JCommander

      @Deprecated public JCommander(Object object, String... args)
      Construct a JCommander instance first and then call parse() on it.
      object - The arg object expected to contain Parameter annotations.
      args - The arguments to parse (optional).
  • Method Details

    • setParameterizedParser

      public void setParameterizedParser(IParameterizedParser parameterizedParser)
    • setExpandAtSign

      public void setExpandAtSign(boolean expandAtSign)
      Disables expanding @file. JCommander supports the @file syntax, which allows you to put all your options into a file and pass this file as parameter @param expandAtSign whether to expand @file.
    • setConsole

      public void setConsole(Console console)
    • getConsole

      public Console getConsole()
      a wrapper for a PrintStream, typically System.out.
    • addObject

      public final void addObject(Object object)
      Adds the provided arg object to the set of objects that this commander will parse arguments into.
      object - The arg object expected to contain Parameter annotations. If object is an array or is Iterable, the child objects will be added instead.
    • setDescriptionsBundle

      public final void setDescriptionsBundle(ResourceBundle bundle)
      Sets the ResourceBundle to use for looking up descriptions. Set this to null to use description text directly.
    • parse

      public void parse(String... args)
      Parse and validate the command line parameters.
    • parseWithoutValidation

      public void parseWithoutValidation(String... args)
      Parse the command line parameters without validating them.
    • createDescriptions

      public void createDescriptions()
      Create the ParameterDescriptions for all the \@Parameter found.
    • getMainParameterDescription

      public String getMainParameterDescription()
    • setProgramName

      public void setProgramName(String name)
      Set the program name (used only in the usage).
    • getProgramName

      public String getProgramName()
      Get the program name (used only in the usage).
    • getProgramDisplayName

      public String getProgramDisplayName()
      Get the program display name (used only in the usage).
    • setProgramName

      public void setProgramName(String name, String... aliases)
      Set the program name
      name - program name
      aliases - aliases to the program name
    • usage

      public void usage()
      Prints the usage on getConsole() using the underlying usageFormatter.
    • usage

      public void usage(String commandName)
      Display the usage for this command.
    • usage

      public void usage(String commandName, StringBuilder out)
      Store the help for the command in the passed string builder.
    • usage

      public void usage(String commandName, StringBuilder out, String indent)
      Store the help for the command in the passed string builder, indenting every line with "indent".
    • usage

      public void usage(StringBuilder out)
      Store the help in the passed string builder.
    • usage

      public void usage(StringBuilder out, String indent)
    • setUsageFormatter

      public void setUsageFormatter(IUsageFormatter usageFormatter)
      Sets the usage formatter.
      usageFormatter - the usage formatter
      IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null
    • getUsageFormatter

      public IUsageFormatter getUsageFormatter()
      Returns the usage formatter.
      the usage formatter
    • getOptions

      public com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.Options getOptions()
    • getDescriptions

      public Map<com.beust.jcommander.FuzzyMap.IKey,ParameterDescription> getDescriptions()
    • getMainParameter

      public IMainParameter getMainParameter()
    • newBuilder

      public static JCommander.Builder newBuilder()
    • getFields

      public Map<Parameterized,ParameterDescription> getFields()
    • getParameterDescriptionComparator

      public Comparator<? super ParameterDescription> getParameterDescriptionComparator()
    • setParameterDescriptionComparator

      public void setParameterDescriptionComparator(Comparator<? super ParameterDescription> c)
    • setColumnSize

      public void setColumnSize(int columnSize)
    • getColumnSize

      public int getColumnSize()
    • getBundle

      public ResourceBundle getBundle()
    • getParameters

      public List<ParameterDescription> getParameters()
      a Collection of all the \@Parameter annotations found on the target class. This can be used to display the usage() in a different format (e.g. HTML).
    • getMainParameterValue

      public ParameterDescription getMainParameterValue()
      the main parameter description or null if none is defined.
    • setDefaultProvider

      public void setDefaultProvider(IDefaultProvider defaultProvider)
      Define the default provider for this instance.
    • addConverterFactory

      public void addConverterFactory(IStringConverterFactory converterFactory)
      Adds a factory to lookup string converters. The added factory is used prior to previously added factories.
      converterFactory - the factory determining string converters
    • addConverterInstanceFactory

      public void addConverterInstanceFactory(IStringConverterInstanceFactory converterInstanceFactory)
      Adds a factory to lookup string converters. The added factory is used prior to previously added factories.
      converterInstanceFactory - the factory generating string converter instances
    • convertValue

      public Object convertValue(Parameterized parameterized, Class type, String optionName, String value)
      type - The type of the actual parameter
      optionName -
      value - The value to convert
    • addCommand

      public void addCommand(String name, Object object)
      Add a command object.
    • addCommand

      public void addCommand(Object object)
    • addCommand

      public void addCommand(String name, Object object, String... aliases)
      Add a command object and its aliases.
    • getCommands

      public Map<String,JCommander> getCommands()
    • getRawCommands

      public Map<JCommander.ProgramName,JCommander> getRawCommands()
    • getParsedCommand

      public String getParsedCommand()
    • getParsedAlias

      public String getParsedAlias()
      The name of the command or the alias in the form it was passed to the command line. null if no command or alias was specified.
      Name of command or alias passed to command line. If none passed: null.
    • getObjects

      public List<Object> getObjects()
      the objects that JCommander will fill with the result of parsing the command line.
    • findCommandByAlias

      public JCommander findCommandByAlias(String commandOrAlias)
    • setVerbose

      public void setVerbose(int verbose)
    • setCaseSensitiveOptions

      public void setCaseSensitiveOptions(boolean b)
    • setAllowAbbreviatedOptions

      public void setAllowAbbreviatedOptions(boolean b)
    • setAcceptUnknownOptions

      public void setAcceptUnknownOptions(boolean b)
    • getUnknownOptions

      public List<String> getUnknownOptions()
    • setAllowParameterOverwriting

      public void setAllowParameterOverwriting(boolean b)
    • isParameterOverwritingAllowed

      public boolean isParameterOverwritingAllowed()
    • setAtFileCharset

      public void setAtFileCharset(Charset charset)
      Sets the charset used to expand @files.
      charset - the charset